Friday, December 9, 2011

An Unusual Remedy

When we first got married my husband informed me that he had a serious bout of pneumonia as a teenager and ever since then, he gets bronchitis every fall. Well, that did not sit right with me! I love a challenge, so I decided I would figure out how to prevent that yearly occurrence.

As you might imagine, that first year, he was true to his word and got bronchitis as soon as the weather began to change from summer to fall. He is a teacher, so he’s around sneezing, coughing kids all day – that certainly didn’t help matters. Chicken soup made him feel better (so did ice cream, but that's only because he considers it his own personal "medicine"), but did nothing to protect him. We tried different things I was learning about - echinacea, larger than normal doses of vitamin C, bee propolis. They were all helpful to a degree and I believe his colds were less severe, but he still got bronchitis the first few years of our marriage.

I came across some interesting information about a natural substance I'd never heard of at the time - Fenugreek Seed. What I read said it would help keep the lungs clear and was used for bronchitis and other respiratory problems. It was certainly worth a try. I found Fenugreek Seed tea bags at my local health food store and bought a box.

My husband came home from school and said he felt miserable - headachy, scratchy throat and as if a cold was brewing. Of course, with him, once that first cold took hold, it developed into bronchitis. I started him on vitamin C, bee propolis and brewed him a good, strong cup of Fenugreek Seed tea sweetened with some raw honey (since honey also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties).

It has kind of a unique, unusual flavor, but he drank it and actually said it made him feel better. So he drank 2 or 3 more cups that first night. He slept well and woke up feeling pretty good. I filled a travel mug for him to take to work and he had a couple more cups upon returning home that night. He never did develop bronchitis! I was thrilled and from that time on (we've now been married for almost 29 years) the first thing he does when he feels a cold coming on is put the tea pot on and make a couple of cups of Fenugreek. I always keep several boxes in the house and even my children use it as well.

Several years later a close friend called and sounded awful - in fact I didn't even recognize her voice. She could barely breathe and had the worst, deep cough I'd ever heard. She said it was her third bout with bronchitis in the last 6 weeks (she smoked at that time) and she asked the doctor to please put her in the hospital but he would not. I asked her to have her husband buy a couple of boxes of the tea and told her to drink a cup every hour for the rest of the night and as many as she could manage the next day and see what happened. She had nothing to lose and so she did what I suggested.

She called me the next day in amazement saying that she felt wonderful - she could breathe, she'd been able to cough up the phlegm (it was black!) and clear her lungs. She sounded like herself again! She told me she was going to buy several boxes of the tea to keep at home, in her car and at work - she never wanted to be without it. It seemed amazing to me as natural remedies usually work more slowly - but this seems to work its magic quickly as long as you drink enough and start at the first sign of a cold.

What I do is steep a tea bag in boiled water for 10 minutes and then sweeten with a bit of raw honey. If you suffer from respiratory problems like frequent colds, especially if they develop into bronchitis - try Fenugreek Seed Tea.

Listen to Your Gut - Always

Mothers know their kids better than anyone. I remember when my son, Matt, was small he had one ear infection after another for a time. We were visiting my in-laws at the Jersey shore and he was actually on an antibiotic, yet I was still up with him all night. I called the doctor and said he must have developed a tolerance to that antibiotic. He told me that couldn't be. When we got home and I took him in, sure enough he had a raging ear infection and the antibiotic was not touching it. Score, mom one, doctor zero.

Several years later, Matt was about 9 years old and we were living here in the Hudson Valley in our new home. We have well water here which we'd never had before. Matt developed a horrendous cough. You know the type - people would turn around a look at him as if he had typhoid fever and pull their kids away from him. I couldn't blame them - he sounded awful. I took him to our pediatrician who prescribed, what else, an antibiotic and a cough medicine. His cough seemed to improve slightly while he was on the meds and then went right back once we stopped. Took him in again - same story - and same result. She never tried to figure out what might be causing the cough, just sent us out every time with something to suppress the annoying (and embarrassing) symptom and never giving me an answer as to what may be causing it.

I was at my wits end and was praying one morning and asked the Lord to please show me something that would help Matt. Sure enough as I watched a show later that morning a doctor was being interviewed who had written a book about natural ways to deal with sinus and respiratory problems. I just knew the answer was in that book. As it was just before Christmas and we were on kind of a tight budget, I told my husband that all I wanted for Christmas was that book. Being the wonderful man he is, he obliged.

I sat down and began reading and didn't even get past the first chapter. He talked about how very common substances we wouldn't even consider may cause allergic reactions - one he mentioned was sulfur. That jumped out at me because every time we turned on the water faucet the smell of rotten eggs was overpowering - our water had a very high sulfur content.

I was ecstatic! I told Matt - from this moment on we would conduct an experiment - he was to only drink bottled water and we would see if that helped his cough. When I tell you that by the end of that day his cough had improved 100% and was completely gone within two, I am not exaggerating. It absolutely amazed me. I called the doctor to let her know what I'd discovered in case anyone else had the same problem and she was flabbergasted - she couldn't believe that was the answer and said she'd never heard anything like it.

Fast forward to his teen years and we tried this natural acne remedy. After the very first night he woke up with his eyes almost swollen shut and red welts on his face. I went online and checked the ingredients again and then called the company and they confirmed that it did contain sulfur. When I asked to return it as my son was obviously allergic to it, they told me "you can't be allergic to sulfur."

Yeah, you can and he is. His stomach even gets a little funny sometimes when he eats too many whole eggs - the yolks are a good source of sulfur - so we do two egg whites and one whole egg for his omelets.

Those were the experiences that propelled me into studying natural health more seriously and become a certified Biblical health coach. And the more I learn, the more exciting it is. Just always remember to listen to your gut - I knew there had to be an underlying cause of my son's symptoms, even if the doctor didn't or just didn't want to be bothered trying to figure it out.

He Leads Us

I was already thirty years old when my first child, Christopher, was born. He was absolutely gorgeous - healthy, lovable, alert. However, as he approached two years old, he grunted and made other sounds, but did not speak. Although he seemed unable to form words clearly, he understood whatever he was told and by watching Sesame Street had actually taught himself to read and write.

When his speech problem persisted, we had him evaluated by a speech therapist, who said Christopher had such a complex problem, her best estimate was that it would take at least three therapy sessions per week for several years just to bring him to a point where he could be understood. This was startling, but we were willing to do whatever was necessary to help him.

We began the therapy sessions and almost immediately the therapist had to cut his sessions down to once a week because of a scheduling problem on her part. She indicated that this might mean it would take much longer to get results.

Christopher, an active three year old, quickly became bored and fidgety during his hour-long appointments. To help him get through it, I began praying with him in the car just before going into each session. He and I would ask the Lord to help him listen and pay attention and do whatever the therapist asked. Then I would confirm the Word of God over him by saying things like: Christopher is obedient; Christopher has a spirit of self-control; Christopher can do all things through Christ Who strengthens him.

From the very first time we prayed together in this way, the therapist began seeing a positive difference. We were encouraged until another doctor who had observed Christopher called me in for a meeting. He told me he felt my son had a severe neurological problem. He said he recommended five days of intensive evaluation and testing for a proper diagnosis. Needless to say, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. The doctor pressed me to make a quick decision, saying he should begin the evaluation process as soon as possible.

I knew that we needed time to take this matter before the Lord, so I managed to delay making a decision until I could speak to my husband. We set ourselves to lay the entire matter before God in prayer the week before Christopher's next session. In my heart I felt my son was extremely bright, that there was no neurological problem, but I wasn't willing to let my love and pride jeopardize his future by not getting him help he might truly need. I had to trust the Lord to show me what was right.

As we went to prayer for Christopher's speech problem, immediately the Lord spoke a scripture promise from Isaiah 40:11: "He will feed His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young." From that moment on, I felt complete peace and confidence that God was in charge.

However, every time I thought or prayed about those tests, I had a total absence of peace. Finally, relying on the command in Colossians 3:15 which says we're to let His peace act as umpire to decide and settle with finality all decisions, my husband and I decided not to subject Christopher to the tests at this time, but to just continue with his speech therapy. That doctor was very angry with our decision. In fact, he actually told me I was a terrible mother for not doing what he was recommending.

Two months later, when Christopher was in the eleventh month of his speech therapy, his therapist declared him age-appropriate and recommended that he cease therapy and enter nursery school! After less than a year of her original "several years" estimate and only having one session per week instead of the three she'd originally deemed necessary, Christopher's speech was age-appropriate. Truly our prayers had been answered.

This all occurred 24 years ago. Christopher went all through elementary school in the "gifted and talented programs." He went through junior and senior high school on the high honor roll every single year. He graduated summa cum laude from Seton Hall University as a communication major!!! He's actually done several news casts on our local television station as part of an internship and now heads the communications department in a large software company. That, to me, is a lovely irony. In fact, I wish I remembered the name of that doctor so I could show him what Christopher has accomplished. Every time I look at him, I am reminded of the Lord's faithfulness, how gently He carries our children and how much He longs to lead parents in these difficult choices concerning our children. I shudder to think what the outcome might have been had we not listened to God and our hearts.

If you are facing a difficult decision regarding one of your children today and are feeling pressured to make a choice you are not comfortable with, I encourage and even urge you to take the time to ask God what to do. If you ask sincerely and get quiet and listen, He will definitely lead you on the very best path.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yummy Yogurt and Zucchini


Who doesn’t know that yogurt is an extremely healthy, fermented food that helps repopulate your digestive system with beneficial bacteria? Pretty much anyone you speak to knows yogurt is a healthy food.

Besides the probiotics (good bacteria) yogurt is also a very good source of protein and calcium. Some studies also showed that people who consume low fat dairy products have a reduced risk for high blood pressure. But many people, particularly older people, find it very difficult to digest dairy products. Yogurt and other fermented dairy foods like kefir eliminate that problem for almost all people.

Yogurt is easy to digest and is an excellent choice for anyone with digestive problems, and especially ulcers. A recent study looked at the effects of yogurt containing lactobacillus and bifidobacterium on people with persistent H. pylori infections. H. pylori is a bacteria that causes infections in the stomach and small intestine and greatly increase risk of developing an ulcer. The researchers found yogurt made the drug treatment usually recommended to clear this up to be more effective when the patients also consumed yogurt.

A few cautions: be sure the yogurt you choose contains active cultures. That’s where all the health benefits are. Also, avoid the fruit on the bottom and artificially sweetened varieties – in both cases the added sugar or chemical-laden artificial sweetener pretty much nullify the health benefits.


Zucchini is a green, summer squash that is very low calorie, contains fiber, protein, vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, manganese, potassium and more. It’s available all year round and lends itself to many preparation methods.

It’s a wonderful weight loss vegetable – low calorie – one cup has about 36 calories, depending on how it’s prepared - high fiber and high water content – over 95% water! The folate is believed to help lower homocysteine levels, important in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Take a Step:

I learned something interesting about Greek yogurt. The reason it is so much thicker and creamier than most regular yogurts is because the excess milk is strained out leaving the whey protein solids behind. That means not only is it creamier, thicker and richer, it has nearly two times the protein content of regular yogurt. One cup of Greek yogurt has 23 grams of protein compared to 12 grams in regular yogurt. It also has fewer carbs (9 grams versus 17 in other yogurts). Just be sure to pick an unsweetened one and a wonderful, classic Greek dessert is plain Greek yogurt with a couple of sliced figs, some walnuts and a drizzle of raw honey – delicious!

Another delicious cultured dairy drink is Amasai which you can only get from Beyond Organic. This is an amazing and unique product. It's delicious and loaded with beneficial probiotics. You can even use it to make an incredibly healthy ice cream!

I use zucchini a lot and one thing I always do is grate one and include it in any ground meat recipe like burgers or meatloaf. It bumps up nutrition, adding vitamins and fiber and extends the meat. You can also add some grated zucchini to pasta sauce – it will basically melt right into it and you’ll never know it’s there.

As a side dish you can steam it or roast it which is my preferred method. If you want to learn more tricks of being a stealth cook, check out my Nutrition-Boosting Strategies e-book. In keeping with the Greek theme (since I’m Greek) you can make Greek-style zucchini. Just slice and chop them into rounds. In a pot heat a little bit of olive oil and sauté a chopped onion until it’s softened and translucent. Add your zucchini and a can of sodium free stewed or chopped tomatoes; season with a little sea salt, black pepper and granulated garlic. Cover and let this cook until the zucchini is tender. It’s delicious!

I hope you’ve been enjoying this series of articles – please take a minute and let me know. I wish you all a most blessed and joyous Christmas and a healthy new year!

Until next time I wish you vibrant health!


Wonderful Watercress

This is a superstar for sure! Watercress is an aquatic, leafy vegetable that is high in vitamins A, K, C, calcium, iron and zinc, which helps your body heal and also is key in keeping your skin, hair and nails healthy. Besides healing, zinc also stimulates protein and collagen so this is definitely a beautifying green!

Watercress also contains isothiocyanates which are compounds that boost your body’s natural detoxifying capabilities.

Also, very exciting, is a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study found that eating 85 grams (about the amount that would fill a cereal bowl) of watercress a day significantly reduced cancer damage to white blood cells and increased the body's levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants.

The study showed among those with cancer, damage to their white blood cells decreased by 22.9%. Researchers are beginning to understanding the potential health benefits of this leafy green. Studies indicate it may interfere with a pathway that has already been tightly linked to cancer development.

Tests involving breast cancer survivors showed that the function of the protein HIF, which causes new blood vessels to grow providing the cancer with oxygen and nutrition, was affected and "turned off" in the blood cells of the women who had eaten the watercress. The results of this research provide new insight and hope that simply eating watercress regularly may protect against and perhaps help treat cancer.

That is not to say that simply eating watercress daily will cure cancer – that’s not the case. However, it is a great food to include in your meal plans that can possibly help prevent its development.

Take a Step:

I actually throw some in the blender when I have it in the house and make it part of my protein smoothie. You can also make an interesting and tasty pesto by combining it with olive oil, garlic, parmesan cheese and pine nuts or walnuts! You can also just include it in your salad greens.

Until next week I wish you vibrant health!


Ugli Fruit and Vinegar

I realize this is one you may be totally unfamiliar with, but it pays to be adventurous and try new foods!

Ugli Fruit

You’ve probably seen this one in your supermarket but being unfamiliar with it, you may be avoiding it. I want to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and give this one a try – you won’t be sorry!

It gets its name from its odd, misshapen appearance. It looks, well, ugly! But looks can definitely be deceiving and here’s a time when you should not judge a book by it’s cover! It has an extremely sweet, citrus flavor, can be peeled very easily and is seedless. It’s believed to be a combination of the best features of grapefruit, Seville oranges and tangerines. Like other citrus fruits it’s low in calories, high in vitamin C, as well as flavonoids, folic acid and fiber. Even though it is related to the grapefruit, it doesn’t contain furanocoumarins, which are the components in grapefruit that can interfere with certain drugs. It has been proven to improve, heal and help promote gastrointestinal health and maintain bowel integrity.


Vinegar is a natural product that’s been around for thousands of years and has been used as a health tonic by many. In fact, Hippocrates is said to have used apple cider vinegar (my favorite!) as an antibiotic. Here are some of the more interesting health benefits of vinegar in general:

Vinegar helps the body absorb calcium. Salad greens are full of calcium.
It appears to increase insulin sensitivity in those who are insulin resistant.
Is an effective, natural produce cleaner.

I prefer cold pressed, raw, organic apple cider vinegar and this is why:

It is a completely natural product, resulting from the fermentation of apple juice to hard apple cider followed by a second fermentation to apple cider vinegar. It retains all the nutritional goodness of the apples from which it was made plus it is fortified with the extra acids and enzymes produced during the two fermentation steps.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins C, E, A, P, B1, B2 and B6 as well as minerals like manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine and fluorine. Studies have shown it helps reduce blood sugar, is extremely alkalizing and those two things make it an excellent food to include if you are trying to lose weight.

Take a Step:

While Ugli fruit is not suitable for cooking, it makes it an excellent snack or add-on to salads. Pick fruits which are heavy with no drying at the ends and there should be a little give if you apply a little pressure. Don’t worry about minor dents and marks – that’s just how they look! They can be kept at room temperature for approximately 4-5 days, or in the fridge for as long as 2 weeks.

To help remove potentially harmful residues on your produce you can mix a solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 9, for example, mix one cup of white vinegar in nine cups of water. Briefly soak your produce in the vinegar solution, then swish it around and finally, rinse it thoroughly. One caution – don’t soak very delicate fruits like berries – they can soak up too much vinegar.

Until next month – I wish you vibrant health!


Raspberries, Spinach and Tomatoes! Oh, My!

I know those three foods do NOT seem as though they go together in any way! But keep reading - you may be surprised.


You’ll get ellagic acid in all berries – including raspberries! It’s a powerful phytonutrient and cancer fighter. But that’s not all – they’re full of vitamins like C, B2 and B3 and minerals like magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese, which helps boost metabolism, anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants and they have plenty of healthy fiber to boot. Besides being a delicious fresh snack, including in your morning protein smoothie is a great idea! Speaking of snacks – you’ll find raspberries in many of the excellent raw, whole food snacks at Whole Food Farmacy.


Popeye knew what he was doing when he made spinach his go-to food! Spinach is not only one of the most nutrient-dense foods around, but also one of the biggest nutrition values in the supermarket as well! Frozen spinach is one of those foods that gives you the most bang for your buck – nutritionally and financially!

Spinach is a low calorie, fat free, dark leafy green that is just loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals! It’s one of my staples for weight maintenance as well as overall health! I put it in my omelets and my protein smoothies in the morning. Spinach also has a component that helps you metabolize protein more effectively – so it makes any protein meal (like an omelet, burger or protein smoothie) even more powerful!


Several recent studies have shown that a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato products is strongly linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers. Part of the reason is that tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Here’s a tip: heat processing of tomatoes and tomato products increases lycopene bioavailability. That just means you get more of the good stuff when you cook the tomatoes and also include a little healthy fat, like olive oil! (By the way-that makes them a great addition to your omelet too!)

They are technically a fruit and a low calorie one at that. They have other carotenes and vitamin C which make them a wonderful addition, especially if you grow your own! Nothing like a beautifully ripe, fresh tomato with a tiny bit of olive or flax oil and apple cider vinegar!

Take a Step:

If you make a protein smoothie as your breakfast in the mornings – along with your raspberries (or whatever berry you use) add some frozen, chopped spinach, which has been thawed. You’ll see the flecks of green – but it honestly doesn’t make it taste like spinach! You’ll be starting out with a super-nutritious (and delicious) meal to fuel the rest of your day! If instead you make an omelet, include some spinach and top it with some salsa! You get more ideas like this in my Nutrition-Boosting Strategies e-book.

Until next month, I wish you vibrant health!
