Thursday, July 8, 2010

Easy Ways to Bump Up Nutrition from Your Meals – Part Two

Here are 4 more suggestions to help you increase the nutritional value of your meals:

5. While grilling and broiling protein are not the healthiest ways to prepare them, we all do it occasionally. To reduce the cancer causing compounds grilling and broiling create, marinate your food using spices and herbs, which are loaded with antioxidants. Use rosemary or marjoram with lamb; sage and thyme on chicken; parsley, cilantro or fennel on shrimp. Let your imagination (and taste buds!) run wild.

6. Continuing with the same theme, make it a habit to use herbs and spices liberally in all your meals. Studies are proving daily how effective certain spices are in fighting disease as well as keeping you healthy. A half teaspoon of cinnamon several times a day can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar. You can sprinkle it in your oatmeal or protein smoothie and even put a cinnamon stick in your coffee or tea. Spice up an egg white omelet with dill and fennel, cumin and sage or turmeric and paprika. Turmeric is being studied for its ability to fight inflammation. Your meals will be more delicious and nutritious.

7. Berries are nutritional powerhouses! Besides being delicious, they are powerful anti-inflammatories and antioxidants that protect overall health and brain health in particular. To get the most benefit, combine them with healthy fat. The easiest, most delicious way is to eat them with a small handful of raw, organic nuts. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios and cashews are loaded with healthy fat and protein. This combination is a win-win!

8. Limit fluids immediately before and with meals. In order for your body to digest your meals thoroughly and efficiently, you must not dilute your stomach’s hydrochloric acid or the digestive enzymes your pancreas produces. If you do, it can cause all kinds of digestive problems from heartburn and indigestion to flatulence and gas to reflux. When you constantly prevent the proper digestion of your meals in this way, you can become nutrient deficient and malnourished. You can be obese and malnourished and many people are. If you must drink anything with your meals, make it pure water.

Strive to eat the freshest, most nutrient-dense whole foods, combining them in the most effective way possible. In doing so, you can consume fewer calories while enhancing your intake of nutrients simply and easily.

Take a Step:

One of the easiest, tastiest and most effective ways to increase the nutritional value of your meals is to include herbs and spices. Science is researching the many health benefits found in spices you probably have in your cupboard right now - cinnamon to lower blood sugar, turmeric and cumin to lower inflammation, and black pepper which amplifies the health benefits of any spice or food it is paired with. Why not make it a goal to try a new spice each month?

Until next time, I wish you vibrant health. Ann

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